In this episode, Haley Brennan talks with Alison Stone, professor in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University. We discuss the work of British women philosophers of the 19th century, including Frances Power Cobbe, Ada Lovelace, and Harriet Martineau. We cover a range of topics that these philosophers worked on, including animal rights, feminism, ethics, and philosophy of mind. In addition to these topics, we talk about the correspondence that these women had with each other, the influence they had on political movements in 19thc Britain, and where and how to look to find the philosophical writings of women in the period. We also discuss the way that perceived philosophical importance and impact varies across time and place, and how this affects which philosophers we research and teach today.
Works by British Women Philosophers Mentioned in the Episode Unless otherwise specified, all works listed are in the public domain and are available online Frances Power Cobbe, ‘The Rights of Man and the Claims of Brutes’ —, An Essay on Intuitive Morals —, Darwinism in Morals --, ‘Wife-Torture in England’ —, Essays on the Pursuits of Women, with a paper on Female Education —, ‘Why Women Desire the Franchise’ Ada Augusta Lovelace, ‘Sketch of the Analytical Engine’ Harriet Martineau, Illustrations of Political Economy --, ‘Letters on Mesmerism’ —, Autobiography —, with Henry George Atkinson, Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature and Development Victoria Welby, Signifying and Understanding, ed. Susan Petrilli (De Gruyter, 2009) Further Reading Alison Stone, ed., Frances Power Cobbe: Essential Writings of a Nineteenth-Century Feminist Philosophy (Oxford University Press, forthcoming early 2022) Charlotte Alderwick and Alison Stone, ed., Nineteenth-Century Women Philosophers in Britain and America, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29, no. 2 (2021)
Jacinta Shrimpton is a PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Sydney. She is co-producer of the ENN New Voices podcast Archives
January 2025