Cambridge Elements Series on Women in the History of Philosophy
The first four titles were recently published and are freely available online until July 22 here:
Pythagorean Women by Caterina Pellò Olympe de Gouges by Sandrine Bergès Frances Power Cobbe by Alison Stone Simone de Beauvoir by Karen Green This new series provides concise and scholarly introductions to women’s contributions to philosophy from the ancient era to the twentieth century. Each Element is devoted to a particular female thinker or female tradition, and offers a survey of key philosophical ideas and recent scholarship in the field, while also advancing new perspectives and original research. The series is reflective of the diverse range of women’s philosophical interests, from ethics, feminism, political thought, philosophy of religion, and educational theory to logic, epistemology, and metaphysics. |
Other philosophers planned for the series include Im Yunjidang, Early Christian Women, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shepherd, Susan Stebbing, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Lucrezia Marinella, Harriet Taylor Mill, Nisìa Floresta, Catharine Trotter Cockburn, Amalia Holst, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Gabrielle Suchon, Platonist and Neoplatonist Women, Harriet Jacobs, Catherine of Siena, and more.
For inquiries, please contact the series editor Jacqueline Broad ([email protected]). |
Oxford New Histories of PhilosophyA new series from Oxford University Press aims to make the works of the full breadth and diversity of philosophers over time accessible to both scholars and students. The series will also include volumes of critical essays to help in engaging with often unfamiliar texts.
Header image: Cité des Dames by Christine de Pisan