About Extending New Narratives
Our international partnership is comprised of 12 academic institutions, with co-investigators at each institution: Simon Fraser University (Lisa Shapiro, PI), which administers the project, McGill University (Marguerite Deslauriers), University of Western Ontario (Corey Dyck), University of Guelph (Patricia Sheridan), Duke University (Andrew Janiak), University of Pennsylvania (Karen Detlefsen), Columbia University (Christia Mercer), Monash University (Jacqueline Broad), University of Sydney (Dalia Nassar), Jyväskylä University (Martina Reuter), Université de Paris X-Nanterre (Anne-Lise Rey), Université de Lyon 3-Jean Moulin (Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin). We also have over 70 academic scholars and librarians as collaborators.
This project involves a true collective effort to retrieve the philosophers who have become hidden from view, and their works, and to rethink the ways in which we both do and tell the history of philosophy. The project has 12 co-investigators -- one from each of our Partners -- and over 70 collaborators, including the librarians that are integral to this project. You can learn more about each of us by clicking through.
Postdoctoral Fellows
The Partnership is governed by a Board comprised of all co-applicants (each of whom represents a Partner institution).
Decisions regarding the activities related to the Project are delegated to one of five committees: Management, Academic, Journal, Early Career Researcher (ECR), and Digital Resources and Library. We will revisit the committee structure periodically to ensure it is responsive to the activities and needs of the project
Decisions regarding the activities related to the Project are delegated to one of five committees: Management, Academic, Journal, Early Career Researcher (ECR), and Digital Resources and Library. We will revisit the committee structure periodically to ensure it is responsive to the activities and needs of the project
New Narratives Archive (2015-2019)
The Extending New Narratives Project developed from the Partnership Development Project New Narratives in the History of Philosophy (2015-2019). Many of our activities from that project are continuing in this one, but we have preserved the project website as an archive of other events and activities from that original project. This archive shows how working together allows us to build durable resources and so to make a difference. It also shows how much time making real change in the discipline takes.
Partner Institutions
Additional Financial Support
Header image: Lesendes Mädchen by Otto Scholderer via Wikicommons